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Remember Your Baptism

“As they went away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? A reed shaken by the wind?

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A Holy Land of My Aspirations

(Note: NCC Director of Communications and Development Rev. Steven D. Martin is participating in an ecumenical study tour of Jordan’s holy sites. Photos, plus a few words, will be shared

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Will It Always Be This Way?

I am shocked and sickened by the violence plaguing U.S. society, including the killings recently of 49 people in Orlando, those of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in

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“Our Immigrant Fathers”

Father’s Day sermon Delivered at Fairlington United Methodist Church By Jim Winkler June 19, 2016 When I was invited to preach today I was informed the decision was made to

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From Jim: Cuba and Christian Unity

My schedule has been hectic over the past several weeks ranging from the NCC’s recent Christian Unity Gathering, meetings of our Governing Board and Convening Tables, participation in the 75th

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